12:55 pm Local viewer, Susan arrives near the swings and waves from below. Thanks for making the heart.
Chick ID update:
The markings are similar to previously noted.
However, Tsee (2) has become darker but still distinctly patterned than Toketee (1)
Chicks' marking ID update! it is hard to say which is 1 and 2 been so close to hatch, but to make life easy on chat here you are:
Additional notes:
#2 has a distinct center stripe with a short one on each side of it, #1 has all three stripes about the same. At least that is what I think.... Distinct center stripe also is darker overall... since they are transitioning out of the dark stage, that is why I think that one is #2
15:26 The Annual Heart Artwork takes place! Thanks to August's neighbours and dog! :-D 2.5 x speedrun :-)
A cheeky starling flies in to pick at the bedding.... better not let them catch you messing things up, little one! 3.5x Speedrun
12:38 Bruce in with a fish (trout?) Naha takes it right away and flies of with it, and most of the east rim rails!
15:22 Our pair of Gullivers circles the nest, one lands singing and the other follows..... these 2 must be a pair, so cute together!
09.11 to 09.13 Starling lands on the nest, then a small bird (Oregon Junco?)
7.50am Coopers Hawk visitor (livestream picture, thanks to Randy G for posting)
8:43am BRUCE LAST SIGHTED: Bruce flies in with seaweed and a small fish, after being gone for a week! He eats on the nest, then leaves again.....
16.20.20 onwards Bruce feeds Naika one last time before they migrate!
09/08/2023 6:15 am NAIKA LAST SIGHTED:
16.35 Bruce flies off with Naika watching :-)
09/08/2023 6:12 am Bruce leaves the nest.
4.33 pm NAHA LAST SIGHTED: Naha flies in to the nest with a nice flounder, then out again.
18.59 Kawok and Naika in the Golden Sunset from viewer James - Thanks for the capture.